Broader Impacts Workshop 8/12/21

When: A virtual workshop on Thursday August 12th 2021 from 2-4pm EST.

Organizers: Lisa Park Boush and Simon Goring

With guest speakers: Rocio Caballero-Gill and Amy Myrbo

Workshop RSVP form:

Zoom archive: LINK

NOTE: All attendees are encouraged to submit a Qualtrics survey entry in our Broader Impacts Database, which can be accessed HERE  or viewed as a PDF in its entirety here.


Time Focus
2:00-2:10pm EDT Welcome and Why Broader Impacts are important (SLIDES)

~Lisa Park Boush

2:10-2:20pm EDT History of the Broader Impacts Database (SLIDES)

~Simon Goring

2:20-2:40pm EDT Better practices for equity and Broader Impacts (SLIDES)

~Rocio Caballero-Gill

2:40-3:00pm EDT Best Practices for JEDI and Assessment (SLIDES)

~Amy Myrbo

3:00-3:15pm EDT Q&A
3:15-3:45pm EDT Breakout groups with feedback on the Broader Impacts Database
3:45-4:00pm EDT Share out and next steps

Stay information about this workshop: All information will be archived. For updates and more information, visit this webpage often.

For more information: If interested in participating in our Broader Impacts workshop, email