EarthRates is an NSF-sponsored Research Coordination Network (RCN) aimed at providing the framework and opportunity to engage critical communities and forge synergistic collaborations in order to foster transdisciplinary research in the sedimentary crust.
a few more days left to apply for this! deadline 25 feb
How will the ocean exploration community turn an expanding sea of data into knowledge & action? In their #2022NOEF white paper, Dr. Vicki Ferrini & Colleen Peters discuss
Job opening #geology, Duluth, #Minnesota MineraLogic LLC. Data scientist to support #environmental consulting and R&D. Data management, visualization, statistical analysis, interp, etc. #geochemistry @geolatinas @nonschistyjobs
Associate or Full Professor of Analytical Isotope #Geochemistry and Geochemistry, University of Tennessee - Knoxville USA @nonschistyjobs @earth_jobs @GeoLatinas